An Easy Way To Raise Funds
Do you shop online? Did you know that every time you buy something you could be raising money for Gotham Memorial Hall & Recreation Ground Trust?
That’s right – over 2400 well known retailers including Amazon, M&S, Boden, Waitrose, House of Fraser, Vodafone, Virgin Atlantic and many more, will donate a percentage of what you spend to Gotham Memorial Hall & Recreation Ground Trust when you shop with them, via fundraising website
An Easy Way To Raise Funds
It’s like nectar but instead of earning points, each purchase generates a donation. So instead of going directly to a retailer’s website, go to easyfundraising first and choose the retailer you want to shop with – then everything you spend with that retailer earns a free donation for Gotham Memorial Hall & Recreation Ground Trust. It’s completely free to use and your shopping won’t cost you a penny more. On average, each retailer will donate 5% of the cost of your shopping – and those donations soon mount up.
So whatever you need to buy, from your weekly grocery shop or fashion must-have, to your business travel, office supplies or mobile phone, buy it via easyfundraising and raise money for Gotham Memorial Hall & Recreation Ground Trust at no extra cost to you!
Please register to support us when you shop online –