The following people and groups currently make use of the fantastic facilities here at Gotham Memorial Hall.
To book the facilities please contact us.
Arts Club
2nd and 4th Monday of the month
2.00 – 4.00 pm in the Weldon Room
£3.00 including tea and biscuits
Contact Anne Howick on 07505 126430 for more details
Exercise with Emma
Clubbercise Monday nights 6.30pm
Fitness Pilates Monday nights 7.30pm
Contact: Emma on 07925 610735
or book on at
Gardening Club
1st Wednesday of the month
7.30 pm – Weldon Room
Please contact 07771 934728 for further details
Glenda Mary Social Dances 2023
Sequence, Ballroom and Latin
11th February
11th March
8th April
13th May
10th June
12th August
9th September
14th October
11th November
9th December
8pm to 10pm – £4 per person
Bring your own drinks
Further details contact Kevin on 07885 794584 or 0115 983 0116
Just Breathe with Chrissie
6 week yoga course £60
3 x yoga classes per week
1x in person at Gotham Memorial Hall – Tuesdays 7pm
2 x online classes – Mon & Fri (available live or on playback in our private Facebook group)
Wednesday 2.30 to 5.00 pm
Line Dancing – Wednesday nights
6.00 pm – Beginners
7.00 pm – Improvers
8.15 pm – Intermediate
For further details contact Cliff on 01509 673597
Needles & Pins Craft/Sewing Group
Mondays 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Cheeserollers Lounge
Come along and learn new skills or share your skill
Also have a cup of tea and a chat
Short Mat Bowling
Wednesdays 2.00pm – 4.30pm (October through to March)
£2 including tea and biscuits
Annual membership £10
Equipment supplied, bring along bowling shoes or flat soled trainers (ordinary shoes are not suitable on the mat)
Contact: John Prickett
Stepping into Stories
Interactive story session for 0-4 year olds and their parents/carers
Running weekly from 6.2.23 (term time only)
10.00 – 11.00 am
Cost £5 Siblings £2
To book please email Katie –